Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Christian The Lion: Meaning Behind The Video

When I first saw this assignment, I was completely stumped as to what I would pick to write about. I mean, what video could you find on youtube that could possibly be written about in 25 sentences? So as I was aimlessly searching through youtube, I stumbled upon this video. At first glance I thought it was going to be dumb, because seriously, there aren't a lot  of very meaningful stuff on youtube. But then I watched it and it very nearly brought tears to my eyes. First I would like to tell you why it touched me. Along with my weird obsession with anime and books, I love animals. My best friend and I used to run around and pretend we were foxes or lions or any animal we could come up with. We were addicted to being something that seemed so free and alive. That is how we viewed them. But as we got older, we realized not all people saw animals the way we saw them. There are shows all over TV now that talk about how people abuse their animals because they don't see them as living, breathing beings, they see them as dumb animals that apparently have no feelings and are stupid. This totally shocked us. This is what kind of reminded me of what the people said to the men who raised Christian. About how he wouldn't remember the people who raise him because after all, he IS just an animal. So as I watched this I realized that what a lot of people think isn't true. As you watch Christian run towards the people who love him and raised him, you saw how happy he was to see them again. He hugged and licked them. And you also saw how happy the guys where that their little lion remembered them. That is why this story touched me so much. Because animals aren't just stupid beasts, they are smart and caring and have feelings just like people do. They are loyal to the people who raised them and took care of them. Even a wild animal like a lion can be loyal. Pretty amazing, right?

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