Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My Fantasy Day

OMG, where do I start? Well, probably I would start by walking up in my awesome mansion (it is fiction after all) and go down stairs to have a yummy breakfast. Then I would drive my porche down to the nearest Borders. I would spend hours just reading books. I know that sounds boring to most people but I am a total book person. They have all the adventures I need just nestled in between the pages of the spine. Books just enthrall me. And if I really wanted to make this fantasy crazy I would have all my favorite authors there for like a book signing or something. And I would be able to talk to them and ask the for advise on how to make my stories better. I mean, imagine how awesome that would be to meet like J.K Rowling or Stephanie Meyer. But if I wanted to make this fantasy even more nuts I would bring some of the most famous authors in history. like Shakespear or Jane Austin. I would love to meet these to particular people because they have written some of the most famous love stories ever. Okay, after I talked to all of my favorite authors and read as much books as I could I would drive to the airport and board my private jet to Maui. Then I would visit my best friend Elyse who I haven't seen in four years. Then her and I would go down to the beach and hang out, just catching up with each other. Then I would visit all my old friends from Doris Todd.  We would all laugh and talk and just get to know each other again. After I catch up with all my friends on Maui I would get back on my jet and fly to Japan. This may sound weird, but I love anime. And to me, it would be so awesome if I could go to the place where it all began. So I would probably spend hours walking around Tokyo and go into all the anime stores I could. I would probably take my friend Franazhea, because she is like OBSESSED with anime.  Then after that, we would fly back to Texas and rap up my day by having a sleep-over with all my friends and watching tons of movies.

1 comment:

  1. Bella
    Your fantasy day is amazing! Of course, I know you so well, so this really does sound like what you would do if you could do anything. I like that you included authors from the past who have influenced you, in addition to, the authors of today. I would love to go to Maui with you! The Japan trip would be amazing too. It's incredible to think an entire city is devoted to anime! Excellent job! You definitely need to proofread for spelling errors before you post. Mrs. A
