Sunday, May 3, 2009

Homework, homework, and more homework

Hey people of the Blogging Empire, welcoming to my little part of this cyberspace domain! AND GUESS WHAT!? We have no school till' May 11! I am soooooo HAPPY! But all these teacher's at our school have decided that because they apparently have no lives they want to make ours as miserable as possible by piling us up with LOADS of homework. (no offense to any of the teachers that might read this blog, this is just what I think.) And if anybody can help me on the math equasion assignment I would be forever grateful. Well, at least I am done with all my other homework. For Thursday and Friday, anyway. But tomorrow starts a new day with new homework assignments. Ohhhh joy. Don't teachers ever remember being kids? And hating having to do homework when YOU ARE NOT EVEN AT SCHOOL!? I mean seriously, did they really like having homework or do they just like making us do busy work? So that is my whole opinion on the homework thing. 
Hasta La Vista Peoples!


  1. hey bella, i'd be happy to help u with math if u still need help, it was a little chalenging!

  2. hey, if u want to call me or email me

  3. ...about math ( forgot to put that in the lst message lol)

  4. Hey, careful what you say about teachers, I'm one too! And yes, almost all teachers have forgotten what it was like when they were in school and they do think they are the only teacher that is truly important in your school domain. Sorry, the truth hurts. Get used to this phenomenon, it will follow you through college, graduate school, it has for me so far. But, not all teachers are horrible. Hold on to those that have blessed you, that have made you feel special and important, they will carry you through all the hard teacher times. I think you're awesome! I think all of my students are awesome!

  5. Bella, if you think the math assignment is really hard,,, Do what I did... Write down the problem and then leave a few spaces and go to the back of the book and write down the answer. Then, instead of a check on the top of your paper, write, "help"... and I agree with you 100% on the whole teacher thing... Even Mr. Guenther gave us homework!!!! UUUGGGHHH!!!!
